Wednesday, June 8, 2011

re-post this (((middle finger raised)))

i'm gonna pre-fix this post by saying;
I don't always agree w/ what they're fighting for, but i support our troops 100%.
Cancer is no joke and I desperately hope a cure is found soon.
and while I am not the most active person in my religious community I do have a relationship w/ GOD.


to the MF who started the chain letters that end by saying "half of you won't repost this because you don't care," SCREW U BRO!!! try n guilt me into re-posting ((((PFFFT))) Don't tell me i don't care because i won't submit to do your meaningless bidding!!!

First off, your stats are wrong!!! by my count MORE THEN HALF of the people do re-post it because my timeline is getting blown up w/ that sh*t all day!!! Second off, what is the bennefit??? are you spreading awareness speaking on some of the most known about issues/subjects-NO!!! If a donation gets made each time i re-post, then cool-i'm DOWN... Otherwise, get off me!!!

Also thanks for making me feel like a sh*tty family member!!! I've gotta explain to my family why their timeline is filled w/ their friends posting "if you have the greatest mother/father/sibling/cousin/child/other half, re-post this"(((about their family))) and i didn't. Of course my family is the greatest... Just let me say it on my own free will!!! And fucc you very much for making me feel like a scared paranoid kid during the MYSPACE (((bulletin))) DAYS and telling me to re-post or expect a visit from some mutated freak at midnight... (((SIDE EYE))) way to fucc w/ my psyche, DICK!!!

for the record... if you did participate, i have nothing against you. Just don't go looking down your nose at me for not doing the same!!! You're not any more of a patriot, cancer patient advocate, or a greater "child of god" because you utilized the copy and paste feature!!!

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