Tuesday, June 7, 2011

i stand by my statement!!!

please, fill in the blank...

1. (GUYS) When i see a girl wearing ________, i have to ask for her number.
2. (GIRLS) When i wanna get a guys attention i put on ________.
3. (GIRLS) When i wear ________ i just ooze confidence.

Seriously, don't read on until you have your answers!!!

did you fill in the blank??? did you give your honest opinion??? did you fill in any of the blanks w/ "JORDANS?!?" (((NNNNOOOOOOOO!!!))) I REST MY CASE... but if fore some reason you did say Jordans, allow me to elaborate and argue my case...

yesterday, via facebook, a friend asked for feedback on the following subject...

So i responded w/; "That gets OLD and sad once she's outta HS!!!" 

Thats my feedback... that's my OPINION!!! i didn't say it to offend Rosie Random... Those are just my thoughts on the SUBJECT.  If you like to rocc j's, then DO YOU, but come on... COME ON!!! there is nothing that gets a guys attention more then a girl thats oozing w/ confidence, and do you feel hella confident w/ some j's on??? really??? you feel more confidant w/ j's on then any other non-athletic shoe ((((sandals, flats, flip flops, boots))) WERD??? Are you a basketball player??? i mean, what does the rest of your outfit look like??? i bet its pretty similar to the average high schooler!!! and you're telling me that if you're in a room w/ a handful of other girls that had heels n dresses on, you wouldn't wanna go home and change??? I've yet to see a makeover show where they throw some J's on for the big reveal... If a woman was seeking advise on how to dress to find a man there is NO stylist, magazine columnist, blogger, fashonista, or celebrity that would say JORDANS. Maybe if you're going after a shoe afcionado but i'm pretty sure even he would like to see you in a cute 'fit n some heels!!! 

A girl in J's doesn't jump out and grab my attention. At first i thought, maybe i'm biased since i've never really been into them... but I even googled [girls + jordans] and NOTHING!!! NOTHING jumped out and grabbed me!!! A girl could probably really get a guys attention in her bra + panties + some j's... but thats a photoshoot idea... not everyday life!!!

Jordans = Juvenile + Dressed down... thats how this girl feels about it!!! If a guy feels differently then good for the girl that roccs J's!!! I did what was asked (((shared my thoughts)))) Don't get mad at me, i'm not the one to impress!!!

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