Monday, June 6, 2011

you remind me of a Cynthia...

sticks and stones break bones...
and word on the streets is chains and whips excite excite rhianna...
but one thing is for sure, words can never hurt you!!!

NEVER... Never EVER!!! At least not in the physical sense. But lets keep it real, they can be upsetting.  it all depends tho. what context was the word used in??? Did your actions justify the name call??? who said it???

if "tammy talk sh*t" hit you with the b*werd because you forgot to return her favorite pen, then we shouldn't have to go putting you on suicide watch-Tammy's just being a brat!!! but a tear shed may be in order if you're dad who also happens to be your "hero" just called you a slut for wearing a lipstick AND proceeded to disown you!!! (((lol, all dramatic))) what i'm getting at is, why let someone's words fucc up your day??? really, WHY???

i've been called a b*tch before. and if i was genuinely acting like one i'd be like "hey, you're right... what's your fuccin point?" if i wasn't acting like one at all i'd be like "calm down... DRAMATIC!!!" and go on about my business.  Words don't have any meaning until you buy into them.

For example...
I remember sending my friend a text message that was supposed to include me calling her an incredibly offensive word (((JOKINGLY, of course))).  When she responded w/ "whatever that means" i was all stuck. So i looked at the text message again. I meant to say "OMG you're such a C*NT,"(((i know, "shame one me," GET OVER IT))) but that must have been a lil too raw for iPhone because the predictive text edited it to say "OMG you're such a Cynthia," LOL!!! If I wouldn't have corrected it, she would have never known the difference.

Now i know predictive text won't swoop in and save the day during a face to face conversation but you CAN chose to be OBLIVIOUS!!! If words mean that much... if you're gonna allow them to have such a huge impact on your day then just pretend that b*tch means beautiful and slut mean sultry!!!

bottom line is, if being a C*WERD is too much for you to handle... Then just be a Cynthia ;)