Friday, June 3, 2011

MAYBE, you shouldn't have posted that...

i remember occasionally running into old classmates from high school and thinking "that was that quiet girl from english" or "he's the guy who always let me borrow a pen..." but ever since Facebook came into my life, that is no longer the case!!!

Its crazy what happens once a person becomes your "friend" via social networking.  You now know EH-VUH-RE-TTTHHHAAANNGG about people who you used to have nothing more then causal conversation w/.  Sh*t, maybe you never even spoke a word to them... MAYBE you just had a class w/ them.  Either way I find myself feeling like I know way too much about people I would usually know nothing about!!! One of these days i'm gonna slip up and be like "girl, why are you out w/ your first baby daddy, isn't you're new baby daddy at home waiting for you and his bun in the oven??? or did you guys call it quits for the 7th time this week???" I mean, is it even ok form me to bring up something I read that they posted, or is it only ok to talk about it once they actually tell you about it???


1. YOU ARE NOT OBLIGATED - unless your name is Zuckerberg, you have no obligation to Facebook so don't feel OBLIGATED to giving everyone the play-by-play of the drama in your life!!!

2. SUBLIMINALS DON'T WORK - if you're hanging out w/ "him/her" or talking sh*t about "you/them"and don't expect anyone to ask you questions about who exactly you are talking about, then do yourself a favor and just DON'T POST IT!!!

3. PRE-Vent to PREVENT DRAMA - you have 1,265 friends, you better use a life-line and "phone a friend" to PRE-vent!!! once you get some of the venting out of your system, if you still feel the absolute need to post, then go ahead... but don't get mad when the person you vented about retaliates or doesn't talk to you for a loooooonnnngg time. and DON'T try to act clueless like you have no idea why there is drama in your life!!!

4. STOP talking about it and JUST DO IT ALREADY - if you're leaving your boo, quitting you sh*tty job, or doing some spring cleaning of your friends list just do it and MOVE ON!!!

5. IT'S NOT THAT SERIOUS - if someone "un-friends" your or doesn't have the same religious/political views as you, then DON'T get your panties in a bunch, IT'S ONLY FACEBOOK!!!

Now of course everyone has the freedom to post as they see fit... but don't act like you just got BLIND-SIDED when an awkward situations arises or someone judges you based off of a post... its bound to happen when you put it all out there!!! (((JUST SAYING)))

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