Tuesday, June 14, 2011

keep CALM, CINDY on (?)

what would you say is the most important day of the week??? For me i would have to say that it's FRIDAY!!! People thank GOD for it, plan for the next one before its even over, and start longing for it as soon as stupid sh*tty monday comes around!!! Friday's are great, but THIS FRIDAY will be one of the best!!! "why," you ask??? because its my best*best, CINDY Q's BDAY!!!

Even tho i like to spend a majority of my time telling her how much i hate her the truth is... I love her!!! She's ah-may-zing!!!  Being her best*pal is easy because she keeps it simple... she does what she wants when she wants to, she's got her sh*t together, and her world doesn't revolve around gossip!!! But the thing i LOVE about her most is something i realized about her our senior year of high school... it also happens to be my favorite story to tell about her so let's get to it...

Buzz around school was that Chester Cheater sh*tted on his long time girlfriend, Faithful Fran, by hooking up w/ Betty Bootycall. After word got out Chester made it official and dumped Fran to start his 2 week stint w/ Betty... 

Well Betty and Chester shared a class w/ Cindy which happened to be across the hall from mine and I always waited outside for Cindy so we could walk to our next class together... Well Betty was one of the first ones out of the class but stayed lingering around... As soon as Cindy came out, she came charging over.

Apparently during class someone asked Cindy's opinion of the situation... Cindy shared, word got back to Betty and Betty was bitter about it. So since she was 2x Cindy's size and Cin appeared to be someone who was easily intimidated, Betty tried to get Loc'd up!!! She rushed right over, got all up in her personal space and was like, "so I'm not good enough for Chester???" (((all loud, fists balled up, rollin her neck n everything)))... Cin looked her square in the eye, opted for an inside voice, smiled and said, "Fran's prettier then you... but that's just what i think!!!" tilted her head, shrugged her shoulders, and held her ground!!! That must have been a first for Betty cause homegirl was stuck... She looked at Cin all sad, said "Oh" n walked away!!!

Now, IF that isn't the most non-violent gangster sh*t you ever heard of, then i don't know what is!!! Even though homegirl was all up in her face she stayed calm, cool, and collected. Instead of raising her voice, throwing her hands around, and trying to deny it like most would, she kept it real... SIMPLE AS THAT!!!

So... happy (((early))) bday to my sassy*pants CIN CITTTTAAAAYYYY!!! I'm glad to have you in my life baby*guuuuuuuuuuuhhhh and hope to remain your best until the end of time!!! 


  1. LOL @ work reading this blog! She is totally gangster! (hope you ladies had a blast for her birthday!) -Andrea Renee

  2. lol, She is a straight G n yes, we had a good time ;D
    thanks for reading boo!!!
