Monday, June 13, 2011

so you know...

I've noticed that on most blogs people like to write an "about me." I was considering doing that at one point, but I don't know that me describing myself to you is going to necessarily paint a legit picture of me.  So I've decided to just let you form you're own opinion from my posts and my writings. Besides, lets be honest... you were probably gonna do that regardless ;)

 i do feel however, that there are a few "note worthy" things i can put out there about myself.  So lets begin...

I'm a new MOMMY!!! And while i can definitely go on listing the numerous feelings that come along w/ the fact that I am a new mom, it would be pointless to post them. I'm pretty sure there were about 135 other girls pregnant at the same time as me so i'm almost positive you've already heard it and if you're a parent you pretty much already have an idea of what i would be saying. Instead, i'd like to point out that, unless u called my uterus home for 37 weeks you'll find that my patience runs extremely THIN these days... so save the drama for your own GD Momma!!!

i HATE wasting my breath!!! If you like to repeatedly ask for advice but don't take it, or want to argue something out but refuse to consider anyone else's opposition then lets just not waste one another's time!!! We're not always going to see eye-to-eye so if that's something that you struggle w/ then its best you move along... ((( I blog so i don't have to waste breath ;D)))

Punctuation Smunctuation!!! I'm not getting paid or graded, and i don't have an editor to turn this into at the end of the day... I like to hit end punctuation marks 3x for some reason and use (,)'s and other punctuation marks as i see fit... so if for you, as a reader, that's a deal breaker... so SORRY, deal BROKEN!!! (((shoulder shrugg)))

I'd rather be LAUGHING!!! I like to bs, go off on meaningless tangents, and often try to make light of situations that wouldn't usually be funny... its what i do!!! 

and finally, and probably most importantly...

If you make the assumption... Then you're the ass, not me!!! I've gotta be labeled because of you're f up??? DON'T THINK SO!!! ;D

so feel free to LOVE ME, or LEAVE ME ALONE ;D

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