Thursday, July 7, 2011


i just hated for the stupidest reason ever...

who really hates on a name??? (((spotlight shines on me in a dark crowd))) oh, ya... i just did... lol!!! i'm an a*hole! its not like i even know of any other living soul w/ that name but something about it just makes me cringe... and no i'm not gonna further blast myself by posting the name so just make one up if you have to... (((and its a boy's name so ladies, RELAX)))

Anyway, i got to thinking about all the times i've been hated on... And i have yet to come across a valid reason!!! People either don't like me because they don't like my friends, they like my boyfriend, OR they're friends w/ someone that doesn't like me for one of the first two reasons... NOT EVEN JOKING... These are the only reasons (to my knowledge) people have ever had beef w/ me!!! And its always super awkward when you end up getting along w/ someone that you didn't even know was hating you on the low... 

"oh my god amber, i always thought you were such a b*tch..." (((PAUSE...SIDE-EYE))) UUUUHHHH, what the fucc did you just say?  lol-KIDDING!!! but really, people have told me that before and i'm just like... what makes you think thats ok to say??? Glad you've reached that level of comfort w/ me but you could have kept that revelation to yourself bro!!! I swear, next time someone says that to me i'm just gonna say, "that's funny... cause i didn't even know you existed!!!"smile, shrug, and flip my hair... lol!!!

I'm not gonna lie, there is a certain someone who if her face repeatedly met my fist, i wouldn't mind, but for real... i can honestly say i don't really HATE anyone... after-all,  HATE is a strong emotional feeling and i don't have any strong emotional feelings for people i don't care for and neither should you... so don't be a complete douche like i was earlier n hate for no reason ;)