Wednesday, July 6, 2011

and the verdict is...A SLAP IN THE FACE!!!

I'm not even going to front... I did NOT watch the Casey Anthony trail. Mostly, because i knew it was going to piss me off, but also because all i really was interested in was the verdict... And what a fuccin disappointment that was.  I couldn't believe it. I was shocked to say the least!!!

Now, I know, the jury was only able to go off of the evidence presented and it was the prosecutors job to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey Anthony was guilty but GD... I have never prayed for vigilante justice like i did after i heard that verdict.

I mean, even if she SUPPOSEDLY didn't kill that lil girl, she should be getting the ultimate punishment for her suspect ass behavior!!! How do you pretend your daughters missing and go on living life, acting like nothing, so you can cover up the fact that you know she's actually dead??? A person that thinks that is ok, is INSANE!!!

Why even have a kid??? When did having a kid become not a big deal to the point that you don't even care about your child's well being??? I've literally seen a 7-8 month pregnant girl smoking and wearing a "Choose life" t-shirt... really??? you see NOTHING wrong w/ smoking while you're with child, but you're morally against abortion??? What a woman does w/ her body is her business, but i just wanted to STOMP that b*tch... If you don't want anybody, including a baby, holding you back from living life the way you want to live it then get the pill, the shot, use a condom... sh*t, get you're tubes tied or have a fuccin hysterectomy but don't bring life into this world if you're not willing to live for them, or give them to someone who will!!!

ANYWAY... i doubt that her living w/ the fact her daughter is dead is going to have any type of negative impact on her life (((Since in reality, she already knew it and it didn't seem to effect her then))) BUT if there is any shot of her ever being re-tried, and found guilty I don't think they should kill her... Because J said it best, "an eye for an eye we both lose our sight, two wrongs don't make a right..." but i don't see anything wrong w/ beating and water-boarding that b*tch every day for the rest of her pathetic life... (((JUST SAYIN))) sorry but, being a mom has made me all the more violent towards people that are violent to children (((shoulder shrug)))

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