Wednesday, July 6, 2011

where's the soap...

this morning was like any other...
got up w/ my baby and grabbed a wash cloth to wash the sleepies from his eyes... grabbed a diaper so i could change him, then laid him down on the changing pad and started singing "pee-peeies or stinkies..." That's when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, a huge sneeze came over me and thats when it happened...
i sneezed, shook it off and said... "awe chitty-poo!!!"(((pause...SIDE-EYE))) Did i just baby-talk a bad word??? SURE DID!!! (((EEK)))

I'm not gonna lie, i love to cuss it up... but i sure don't want my baby*dude to.  I hate when kids, especially ity-bity ones, have potty-mouths. It's like they're growing up too fasst!!! I love the innocence of a kid whispering to you "so-n-so said the s word!!!" I mean, a kid should be a kid for as long as they can, right? Besides, cuss words are usually "angry words" and kids should just be happy... And want to skip, and chase butterflies, make up songs, pop bubbles, eat cookies, take naps, and watch SESAME STREET... NOT SAY BAD WORDS!!!

i guess MOMMY better get this potty mouth under control or else...

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