Tuesday, July 19, 2011

PREGO*SAUCE: Somebody PINCH me...

we last left off at some disappointing news... If you don't know what i'm talking about, you can bring yourself up to speed HERE!!! So lets keep it moving and fast forward a lil bit!!!

After my diagnosis and the sad news life went on, as it tends to do, with the usual ups and downs... (((And some very unusual ones, too))). BF got pretty sick, took care of him... Took a big trip to New York, a few to TEXAS n Cali... Moved around... My circle of friends got smaller... turned 21... Spent time apart... Stopped working for a while... started working p/t again... Partied like i was gettin paid to do it... Changed my hair color/style 3.58million times... LOVED life, and sometimes hated it... all in all i GREW UP!!!

Now I was 23. I had been living walking distance from the bars for 2+ years already and for about 4 months following my bday, i used that walking distance to my advantage! It was fun parting like a promoter... but it got old. [partying] started to slow down and me n my Main Squeeze were spending more n more time together (((just the two of us))). But in hindsight, everything was soooo routine. I knew in advance what days of the week i was partying, which ones i was working, and which ones were strictly for "US." I mean, every tuesday my BF n i went to BJ's for their 1/2 priced bottles of wine n appetizers for reversed happy hour... Nothing was ever out of the ordinary anymore so hopefully this all set the scene for how unexpected the following truly was...

July 9th 2010:
 My BF woke me up w/ a kiss on his way out to work. Got up, got myself ready and headed out... Grabbed a bagel n cream cheese from the cafe n took it to my desk (((like i did everyday))). Was sitting at my desk for maybe 5 mins and then i started to feel sick to my stomach. Something smelled...BAD!!! i looked around saw the bagel [i had just bought] and almost threw up!!! It wasn't old or anything, but the smell was just so overwhelming... so i offfered it to a co-worker, n said "even if you don't want it, can you please throw it far away from me?!?" and just like that it was gone... but the icky feeling wasn't.

I tried to eat at lunch but couldn't and just felt worse and worse through out the day. So i told my favorite cubie about how i was feeling and she asks me "girl, are you pregnant?" before i could even say anything back she said "YAY, Amber's pregnant!!!" My boss who sat right behind us overheard and loudly said "oh my god Amber, you're pregnant (?) CONGRATULATIONS!!!" and because it was slow at work pretty much EVERYONE on our floor heard... got up n started clapping and congratulating me!!! (((JAW DROP))) OMG... EMBARASSING!!! I had to stand up n tell everyone i was just not feeling well, but of course...no one believed me!

The feeling wasn't letting up!!! I told my bf about it and he was convinced it was food poisoning. The weekend came and went. I stayed in, slept a majority of the time (((with a trash can by my side))) and hardly ate... but NOT ONCE did the possibility of pregnancy cross my mind... Until it started to cross his!!! 

July 13th 2010: 
Was feeling even worse... So my boyfriend and i decided after work we would be hitting the store for a PREGNANCY TEST!!! Got out of work and we hit target, then taco bell (((for my boo, cause i still wasn't eating))), and made a quick stop at my moms to drop something off.  She came out to the car and told my BF "you guys need to go buy a pregnancy test... to rule it out if nothing else." Little did she know, we were already a step ahead of her. We went home... he began to eat, n i ran upstairs to take THE TEST!!! 

I needed to wait 3 mins so i washed up n got ready for bed, came back to check the test and immediately felt like i was DREAMING!!! I couldn't run down the stairs fast enough... my bf looked up at me with a mouth full of taco bell n said "what happened?" i looked up at him w/ what i'm sure is the biggest smile i've ever had and tears in my eyes... took a second to compose myself and said, "we're gonna have a baby!!!" he got up ran over to me n smothered me with x's n o's!!! Happy tears ran and he looked at me n said, "are you serious, we're gonna have our own lil family??? God, i love you so much Ber!!!" We hugged and laughed when he said, "UUUGGGHHH... i can't believe taco bell is gonna be part of this memory... lets go tell my mom!!!" i was like OK... but not before i double checked n took another test! 

So i downed some water went upstairs and did my thing again... while waiting i threw something on so we could go share the good news looked over at the test and IT WASN'T WORKING!!! omg, are you kidding me??? it's supposed to blink up until it pops up w/ a yes or no... and it wasn't blinking! So i started freaking out n called Tony upstairs... he checked it n it had started blinking and then shortly thereafter read "YES+"... AAAAAAHHHH... we jumped in the car n we headed to his moms!!!

We're gonna have to stop there for now cause my reason for this story just got up :D I'm going to try and post more of the story up later on because today marks a very special day and part in this on going story... so be sure to come back later for more



  1. awwwwwwww im getting so teary eyed over here!!!!! I love ur story <3

  2. Yay, AMBER's pregnant!!! I love it, I will never forget that day :)
