Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Attitude(?)... MAKEOVER!!!

I'm taking a little break from my look back at my road to mommy*hood... I'll get back into "sharing the memories soon" tho... For the mean squeeze (time), lets talk about something else!!!

Don't you hate when you're having a good day and then someone comes around you with a salty ass attitude??? I mean, USUALLY i can just blow 'em off. But like the saying goes, "misery loves company" and sometimes I can't help but throw my angry brows on after being around those "nobody matters but me, and the way i'm feeling" types!!! (((YUCK))) I just wanna hit 'em with a "don't come over here with that attitude girl" in my best Craig voice!!!

What do you do to shake it off??? I know there are "techniques," but counting down from 10 and screaming in a pillow just isn't cutting it for me. So i turn to make up instead!


I realized that when most of you view my blog, this is what you see...

(((THE MOBILE VERSION)))                                                    

which is cool... but doesn't allow you to "FOLLOW" my blog.... so to  become a follower click here and follow the prompts so u can show up below ;)

and when you get a chance... check out the web version!!! I'm trying to do things to fancy it up a bit and make it more "visually appealing!"

<3 xO

YUCKO, bumbo...

With shows like TEEN MOM and 16 & PREGNANT i can't understand why girls are still out there "spreadin 'em," (((unprotected-ly))) like having a baby ain't no thing!!! I mean aside from the fact that the only way you're baby is coming out is if you're V "opens wide" or someone splits you virtually in two to take him/her out, there are some very important things you need to consider BEFORE having a baby! Like the fact that they need a whoooooooolllleeee lot of stuff and sh:t happens... which brings me to todays story...

So on Monday my mom was having a procedure done on her back. After it was done i brought her back to my house to rest. Leo (my son) and i did the usual and hung out in the living room watching "Word World." After about an hour of just hanging out, i wanted a snack... so i grabbed Leo and his bumbo and we headed into the kitchen. 

For those of you who are unfamiliar w/ the Bumbo, its a chair that helps babies, who haven't quite learned how to sit up on their own, sit unsupportedly. When we first got it, i thought "man, this is AWESOME!!!" Leo loves to roll around and be on the floor but can't always be there, obviously. So we  occasionally put him in his bouncer or swing... but unless he's ready for a nap, he doesn't like to be in them cause they don't sit upright enough for him. Thats when the Bumbo came in and saved the day... (((TEMPORARILY))) then i found a reason to HATE IT!!! (((back to the story)))

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

PREGO*SAUCE: This song makes me MELT

YAY... I'm pregnant!!! No, not again... but that's where we're at in my story. So far i've taken two tests to confirm it and Tony (((My BF))) is ready to jump in the car and go tell his mom, but we're gonna skip that... for now at least. Because today marks a very special anniversary for me, and i want to be able to tell that story before the day is done :) So lets jump back into the story...

July 19th 2010
I took a half day at work but was still desperately waiting for the day to be over. I felt like crap! I wasn't eating, all smells were way too intense for me, my nausea was no joke and i just wanted to sleep!!! Feeling the way I did, you would never have imagined for me to be walking around with such a huge smile... it was because I had a doctors appointment. Not just any appointment, but the appointment of a lifetime... one that was hopefully going to change my life FOR-EH-VER!!! (((Squints voice))) 

I was just about done with my day when i got a text from Tony saying the car key was stuck in the ignition and wouldn't start... (((WTF-GREAT!))) We were supposed to meet at the doctors office... Now i had to rush and go in the complete opposite direction to pick him up and hopefully beat traffic on the way back to make the appointment. (((AAAAHHHHH!))) I got out of work even earlier, jumped in the car and headed in his direction.

One thing you'll come to know about me is that i pretty much NEVER drive. If I am driving, its because i ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO!!! Its just so nerve wracking to me! And because now i was driving a greater distance then i had planned, RUSHING, while feeling like sh:t... my mind decided to fucc w/ me.  I kept thinking I'M NOT GOING TO MAKE IT... THEY'RE GOING TO MAKE ME RESCHEDULE AND BE BOOKED FOR MONTHS TO COME... and the thoughts just got worse and more ridiculous! WHAT IF THE TESTS WERE WRONG (?) WHAT IF I'M NOT EVEN PREGNANT (?) 

I don't think i have ever gripped a steering wheel as hard as i did that day because i was sure that someone was going to hit me and i was going to lose what ever chance i had at having a baby... I'm not kidding, i know its dramatic but its exactly how i felt! I was a WRECK and like most WRECKs do, i started crying!!! I cried up until I got to Tony's work and he took over... Thank Diosito (GOD) for him!!!

PREGO*SAUCE: Somebody PINCH me...

we last left off at some disappointing news... If you don't know what i'm talking about, you can bring yourself up to speed HERE!!! So lets keep it moving and fast forward a lil bit!!!

After my diagnosis and the sad news life went on, as it tends to do, with the usual ups and downs... (((And some very unusual ones, too))). BF got pretty sick, took care of him... Took a big trip to New York, a few to TEXAS n Cali... Moved around... My circle of friends got smaller... turned 21... Spent time apart... Stopped working for a while... started working p/t again... Partied like i was gettin paid to do it... Changed my hair color/style 3.58million times... LOVED life, and sometimes hated it... all in all i GREW UP!!!

Now I was 23. I had been living walking distance from the bars for 2+ years already and for about 4 months following my bday, i used that walking distance to my advantage! It was fun parting like a promoter... but it got old. [partying] started to slow down and me n my Main Squeeze were spending more n more time together (((just the two of us))). But in hindsight, everything was soooo routine. I knew in advance what days of the week i was partying, which ones i was working, and which ones were strictly for "US." I mean, every tuesday my BF n i went to BJ's for their 1/2 priced bottles of wine n appetizers for reversed happy hour... Nothing was ever out of the ordinary anymore so hopefully this all set the scene for how unexpected the following truly was...

July 9th 2010:

Monday, July 18, 2011

Get it!!!

i'm not an app fanatic... but i came across this one and immediately fell in <3 !!!
 I highly recommend you all get VEVO, if you haven't already... By far the clearest music videos i've seen and they have some pretty dope playlists... Sorry YouTube, you are no longer my go to for music vids! So... check it out, cause even if you don't like it... no money lost-its FREE!!!

(((GAWWW just look at the clarity of those screen shots)))

PREGO*SAUCE: Not in my cards...

This morning I woke up feeling like SH:T!!! I felt overwhelmingly hungry and nauseated at the same time... but that's because I ate late!!! Don't you hate that? (((UGH))) anyway... Then I realized that I was feeling this exact same way last year, but that's because i was PREEEGGGNNNAAANNNTTTTT :D there were only a select few that actually knew about it at the time, n i'm kinda sad that i didn't publically share my pregnancy from the get-go so... lets take a trip down "memory lane"...

A few years ago i had went to the Doctor cause something was "off" with me... My monthly "visit" was more like a semi-annual one... and the more infrequent it became, the more the LB's I packed on (((eye roll))) So i figured, something had to be up.

Took a trip to the dr, had some testing done and was diagnosed... It wasn't anything life threatening but while the doctor was setting my expectations she still managed to deliver an unexpected blow... "It will more then likely be extremely difficult for you to become pregnant." (((head drop... heart break... MAJOR SAD FACE)))

Watch it!!!

Another movie I wanted to see... but didn't find the time to do so, til now!!! THANK YOU NETFLIX!!!

Who knew I could love a movie about experiments conducted by economists!!! If i was a legit critic i'd say it's "a real eye opener... interesting and witty!" 

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Watch it!!!

Thank God for NETFLIX!!! My main squeeze n I watched "SEX DRIVE" and this movie was an un-expected knee beater (((much more intense then a knee slapper))) with plenty of quotables!!! ["i suggest you sit the fucc back down before we even have a problem"]

I'm going to assume that since no one else told me how hilarious it was, that no one has seen it... so WATCH IT-STAT!!! ;)

Dealing with it: Break-ups...

Growing up is a breeze... while you're hitting those geber milestones.  But shortly thereafter parts of it start to suck MAJOR D!!! (((EYE ROLL))) Responsibilities begin to creep up, you're body starts giving out, and life starts to be less about you and more about those around you!!!

Now, don't trip!!! i'm not saying everyday of the rest of your life is gonna suck after you learn how to walk n talk... but i am saying mommy and daddy won't be able to make everything better... they might be able to console you and give you guidance but you are now officially responsible for the follow thru of actually making it better!!!

One of the many things that YOU will have to "fix" is yourself... after a BREAK UP!!! Everyone is bound to go thru one... it doesn't matter whether you're; taking a break, calling it quits- for good, the cheater, the one cheated on, innocent or guilty, you're going to have to make an adjustment to a routine you became accustomed to, and its not always easy.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

i helped ;)

My friend BRETT WALKER shared this short film he made via f/b and needs votes... So i figured i'd be a pal, and share it too... It's short, over the top, and ironically funny (((if you ask me))). So check it out n vote for it HERE!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

YUMZILLA... green spinach n shrimp enchiladas

i got several requests for these bad boys via f/b

so if you want the recipe, you have to read more ;)

internationally known...


To my international viewers!!! Germany, Mexico, and Indonesia... I see you lookin!!! Wether it was on purpose or on accident, thanks for stoppin by ;)

Thursday, July 7, 2011


i just hated for the stupidest reason ever...

who really hates on a name??? (((spotlight shines on me in a dark crowd))) oh, ya... i just did... lol!!! i'm an a*hole! its not like i even know of any other living soul w/ that name but something about it just makes me cringe... and no i'm not gonna further blast myself by posting the name so just make one up if you have to... (((and its a boy's name so ladies, RELAX)))

Anyway, i got to thinking about all the times i've been hated on... And i have yet to come across a valid reason!!! People either don't like me because they don't like my friends, they like my boyfriend, OR they're friends w/ someone that doesn't like me for one of the first two reasons... NOT EVEN JOKING... These are the only reasons (to my knowledge) people have ever had beef w/ me!!! And its always super awkward when you end up getting along w/ someone that you didn't even know was hating you on the low... 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

if you're down... i'm down!!!

make*up... i love it... I LOVE IT... I DO!!! and i recently got a request to start doing tutorials/giving advice...

I am sooooooooo incredibly flattered!!!

BUT... i know that there are at least 10000000000+ other people that are more experienced then I am and are probably better skilled, who are already making tutorials so i'm kinda "eeeehhh" about it... if i'm going to do it, i need to know that i'm doing it for more then just one person... So leave a comment below if you'd be interested in make*up related posts/tutorials...

If i don't get enough responses you can still message me via F/B or twitter for one-on-one advice ;)

and the verdict is...A SLAP IN THE FACE!!!

I'm not even going to front... I did NOT watch the Casey Anthony trail. Mostly, because i knew it was going to piss me off, but also because all i really was interested in was the verdict... And what a fuccin disappointment that was.  I couldn't believe it. I was shocked to say the least!!!

Now, I know, the jury was only able to go off of the evidence presented and it was the prosecutors job to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey Anthony was guilty but GD... I have never prayed for vigilante justice like i did after i heard that verdict.

I mean, even if she SUPPOSEDLY didn't kill that lil girl, she should be getting the ultimate punishment for her suspect ass behavior!!! How do you pretend your daughters missing and go on living life, acting like nothing, so you can cover up the fact that you know she's actually dead??? A person that thinks that is ok, is INSANE!!!

where's the soap...

this morning was like any other...
got up w/ my baby and grabbed a wash cloth to wash the sleepies from his eyes... grabbed a diaper so i could change him, then laid him down on the changing pad and started singing "pee-peeies or stinkies..." That's when all of a sudden, out of nowhere, a huge sneeze came over me and thats when it happened...